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African Agriculture Climate Adaptation Research System

Challenge Goal (Short Title)

This Challenge seeks innovative approaches to enhance climate adaptation for agriculture in Africa in ways that link directly with and strengthen the ecosystem of local actors and institutions. Specifically, the objective of the challenge will be to support innovations that strengthen agriculture-related risk management processes and adaptation prioritization, planning, and investment, through intra-Africa research collaboration on data, data science, and modeling.

For more information, please visit the Grand Challenges Africa website; to apply to this request for proposals, use the link to the right.

Application Date Range
Opportunity Description

This Challenge seeks innovative approaches to enhance climate adaptation for agriculture in Africa in ways that link directly with and strengthen the ecosystem of local actors and institutions. Specifically, the objective of the challenge will be to support innovations that strengthen agriculture-related risk management processes and adaptation prioritization, planning, and investment, through intra-Africa research collaboration on data, data science, and modeling.

For more information, please visit the Grand Challenges Africa website; to apply to this request for proposals, use the link to the right.

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